Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Return of Girl

It's all about context! Girl is not a bad or demeaning word unless you use it in a way or within a context that belittles someone. My girlfriends and I use it with one another all the time and it's not a big deal because we're all "girls" and we're not making anyone feel bad by using it! However, I would be offended if a guy at work referred to me as "girl" because it's not really his place. I think in public or professional places men should never use the word girl to refer to a woman because in that context it's inappropriate. For that matter, neither should women, unless they're good friends with the woman and know it wouldn't bother her. It's basically a matter of common sense and respect, unless you absolutely know that a woman doesn't mind being called girl, don't say it, and if you are in doubt, don't say it!

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