Sunday, March 30, 2008

Blog #9

Goodness, I know that my blog is pretty late. But in response to the reading I believe that the use of the word girl is depedant on the situation someone might be in and where they are. It also might have to do with where you are at and what type of people you are with. I think that if it is used in a positive sense that it is just fine.

I as a girl. ( yes I am calling myself a girl because I am one) am fine with being called this because I have been called one all my life. My friends call me "girly", "girl" and the occasional "girly girl". Now this does not bother me most of the time. But when it comes to being called a girly girl because I am not much like a tom boy like some of the friends, being called, "Ewww... shes being girly again!" that is when it gets to me. That is why I believe that it is important to be in the right settings to call someone girl.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I have to say that I agree with you completely. Almost any word can be used in the wrong setting and make you feel like it was inappropriate.