Sunday, March 2, 2008

The N Word

Ok, so I have never honestly agreed with people saying the N word. Now when I say that I mean caucasian people or people who aren't part of the african american culture who I don't feel have a right to be using it. I think the african american culture has all the right to use it, and sometimes like the way they use it in rap songs like nigga, I think it's a word that is part of their culture and they have different ways of using it which is fine. I think it really should be kept unsaid though, but it's really hard to honestly say which is right. I mean if it were to be kept from the outside world and it wasn't used in rap songs or anything, it would be much less prevalent and it would maybe help lessen racism if it wasn't being used, but I think it is a part of the african american culture and it really would be their call for people to use it or not.

As for the personal world, I think it is people's choice. I don't necessarily agree with people outside of the african american culture using it freely, but in their own personal space it's not my business what words they use. I will admit I have used it before like the hip hop way like nigga, with my friends and stuff, but I really don't feel completely right about using it. It's interesting because if I am around a group of people who use the n word and it's usually nigga, I will start using it without even noticing, but if i'm not i won't say it at all. It just really depends on the situation and the people. That's why its hard to take a firm position on if it should be out in the public world, or withdrew, and even the personal world. Freedom of speech and culture make it able to go either way, if that makes sense. By the way this is a really interesting topic I think.

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