Friday, March 28, 2008


One of the things that scares me the most about people is how easy it is to offend them-- how everything can be taken out of context and taken very personally. Extremest feminism can be a form of pregudice in and of itself simply by saying this is how men are-- they're all this way-- and because of that, they're pigs and we're better than they are.
My friend is a hard-core feminist... and likes to go on rampages if you set her off. One time she began preaching to me on the trax train. She was venting very loudly, and you could see how uncomfortable everybody else was on the train-- especially the men who were upset by the things she was saying about them. I'll bet next to none of them there felt about women the way that she said that they did, and I bet it upset them a lot.
A similar thing happened to my sister in seminary. A girl went on a heated rampage there too, embarassing all of the guys there-- until one finally lept to his feet and said, "I respect you!"... fortunately that shut her up quick. She couldn't deny that he wasn't the sexist pig she was saying that men were.
There is still certainly pregudice against women today-- and there is nothing wrong with diligently seeking equality... but seeking superiority-- as is hinted with extreme feminism-- is taking it a little off the deep end. That's why a lot of women cringe when they hear the word 'feminism'.
I know that things were pretty bad once, especially in the South-- but things are different today. Not 100% better, but quite different.

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