Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Extra blog

Over spring break I went to Las Vegas. While I was there I realized how visuals and language was used to appeal to the masses that are down there. The billboards were large and appealing. Marquees were huge and flashed memorable clips and phrases. It's amazing what a few seconds glancing at these can remain in the memory. Even the sales people in the malls had their own language to persuade you to buy things. I don't think I've ever been so convinced. I wish I could find the words to explain how they were convincing. All I know is that they just were. One place inparticular, I don't even know what it was advertising but it kept playing booming loud songs over and over again. Even though I don't remember what it was appealing to, they at least got me to remember it and place the building's architecture and location in memory. I realized too, that the names of Casinos perk up the senses. The Mirage, The Pillazzio, Treasure Island, Ceasar's Palace, The Billagio. Just these few each have a different feel to them. I make an assumption in my mind of what they'd be like or what kind of people I'd find in them.

1 comment:

Prof Ron said...

I'd say the names have an exotic feel.