Friday, March 7, 2008

ethnography hispano

I'm looking at the Hispanic community in my neighborhood, but am struggling to narrow the ethnography down to one specific topic. I work in an elementary school with a high Latino population, so language among the children is one option. Another is the issue of immigration among the adults, so I could look at the Utah Minutemen Chapters, INS, or again, at the local Hispanic community. It has fascinated me, however, how often the label of 'illegal' and 'alien' pops up among the 6th graders I work with. Immigration status is apparently not only on the minds of their mothers and fathers, but on theirs as well... Another option is looking at language amongst Anglos where Latinos are concerned, how Hispanics are referred to, talked about, and talked to.

1 comment:

Matt Pope said...

Those are definitely some big issues going on right now. I'm sure in your observances you will see high emotions on both sides. It will be more interesting to see how it affects the children in your research.