Monday, February 18, 2008

why eating sugar before bed is a bad idea...

My husband and I love a bowl of cereal while watching 10:00pm reruns of Seinfeld, but I've noticed this habit has had a strange effect on the quality (or lack of) of my dreams. Last night, my entire dream was about technology (and all the things that went wrong with it). I dreamt my purse had been stolen and that I later found it stashed away in a t-shirt store (interestingly, amongst burgundy Beefy-Tees, I don't know why). When I retrieved my purse, much to my horror, every technical device I own (which are ALL carried in my purse at all times) had been tampered with. My cell phone was stuck on the camera setting, permanently. My digital camera was stuck on playing videos (for some reason, it had to be The Princess Bride). My iPod was working only as a typewriter. I remember the awful panic that seized my body while I dreamt, my stomach was in a knot. I had no idea how I was going to get through my day. I dreaded opening my eyes. And then, suddenly, as the alarm clock sounded, I was free. Or was I? I am completely dependent on technology. And if I think I'm in a bad way, my husband is way past chronic.

I love the convenience of technology. Yes, I still love mailing cards and receiving cards in the mail, but with IMing, emailing, texting, podcasting, blogging, and all other communicating-with-technology words ending in -ing-, we're enabled to do things at lightening speed, unlike our Pony Expressing and telegramming ancestors. Yes, languange suffers because of it. And, well, so do relationships sometimes. But I'm a believer, willing to pay the price, and grateful to be surrounded by my beautiful techy things, which are working just fine today, thank you.


Matt Pope said...

I thought your post was going to be some scientific reason why sugar changes dreams but you hit the nail on the head about technology nightmares only my nightmare is real. Oh the many times I've had real-life wars with computers trying to get them do do what I want rather than what they want to do like in your dream. Sometimes I feel like technology has a mind of its own.

April said...

"I love the convenience of technology.... Yes, languange suffers because of it. And, well, so do relationships sometimes. But I'm a believer, willing to pay the price, and grateful to be surrounded by my beautiful techy things...."

I agree! language does suffer and (amazingly)it changes too, thanks to technology. Unfortunately relationships can suffer as well (like when my date is texting his ex all night). But as long as we are aware of it, we can consider what's really important to us, and act accordingly. [then my date might realize how rude he's being and turn off his cell :)]