Friday, February 29, 2008

Tech Savvy World. . .

It is so amazing to me how innograted technology has become in our lives! If you can imagine it, it can become a reality. That's the phrase that comes to my mind when I think about all that has occured in the world of technology. YouTube is such an incredible instrument to communicate, stay current, learn about the world, etc. I understand that some are angry about the authenticity of the videos that are produced, but that goes for nearly any site on the internet these days. With 100 million videos viewed on YouTube daily, so many have the opportunity to expereince a wide variety of language. We learn about how others express themselves through language and in these videos. The thing that was most intruiging to me about all of the videos that I watched about YouTube was that we are all producers. We all have the opportunity to voice or show what we think or maybe just share our creativity with others, whereas before YouTube it was much more difficult to do so. With innovation comes criticism. Many love the fact that YouTube is innovating this new way for people to use language and express themselves in their own person way, while others look for the downside and flaws in new innovation. My personal opinion is that YouTube is amazing! I love it and think it is the greatest thing ever! Just like so many other useful tools in this world, it can have a downside. However, if we use it with the right intentions and steer clear of the negative side-- we'll be just fine.


Ali Mae said...

I whole-heartedly agree. I was touched by the interconnectedness and expression that YouTube offers, like the "Free Hugs" campaign, but the possibility of something potentially darker, scares me. I don't know what to make of this community, I can't bear to look, yet I can't look away.

Anonymous said...

I find the word tech savvy cool. i have internet geek friends. i just found it cool