Thursday, February 14, 2008

Technology Shaping Communication

I have to say at first I wasn't to excited about this whole 'blog' I was introduced to when starting this class.  But as we go forth in the semester I have realized it is more affective to get my point across.  I'm not the type of person that would just speak up and comment on class unless called on, but on this blog page thing I feel more at ease to express my views.  Although I'm still trying to learn how to use the damn thing, its all gravy.
The ability to text these days are huge in shaping communication because you could take a spoken 10 min conversation and compact it to 5-10 text messages back and forth.  I even have this friend that her and her family have texted conversations with each other when they are in the same house together!  Sometimes though I feel I miss the connection you get when just hearing the voice on the other end of the telephone.  And take the phone.  What great technology that is!  Just having to transcribe a the conversation in class was so difficult because I felt I couldn't get the excitement out in words.  When on the phone the other person can hear all the laughter.  
This also brings back the descriptive and prescriptive essay we read before.  The Prescriptivist thinks technology is starting to be the down fall to the English language for the grammar tends to go out the window in e-mails and such.  I agree with Descriptivists because technology is an open door to a new world of possibilities of ways to communicate.  From the abreviations like 'lol' to =D.

1 comment:

Prof Ron said...

yes, right on with the connection to the prescriptivists