Monday, April 14, 2008

U.S. English

Logically, being that English is the dominant language in the U.S., it should most definitely be the official language of this country. English has been the dominant language for centuries in this country. Don't get me wrong, because I love the fact that the U.S. is such a culturally diverse country and is so welcoming to people of other countries. However, if someone wants to come over and live in this great country, then they should try their very hardest to learn the language that is spoken here. I understand that learning to speak English as a second language is very difficult. I lived in Central America for 2 years and had to learn Spanish. That was quite difficult for me, and I recognize that English is a much more complex language to learn than Spanish. In my mind I thought, I'm going to be living in a country where the dominant language is Spanish, therefore I need to learn to speak Spanish as quickly and as well as I can. That should be the mentality of those that come to the U.S.from other countries!

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