Thursday, April 24, 2008

Extra Blog - The Death of the Letter?

"The Death of the Letter?
'You get so much human personality on a piece of paper that has writing from a human hand on it — and that may be disappearing," Young says.
Thomas, the former White House bureau chief, wonders whether technology will mean ' the death of the letter."
Can text messages, e-mails and instant messages reflect the times in which they were written — the events, the state of the world — the way letters can? "

I came across this article on NPR's website and it made me think of our class discussions on technology and it's effect on language, specifically when we talked about hand writing and what is happening to it as our technology increases. I like how this article talks about the personality that you get from a hand written letter, the kind of paper, the handwriting, the spelling, and how many of those elements are lost with typing and other new technologies. For me hand writing will always hold it's own place, totally separate and different than typing and all other forms of communication!

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