Thursday, January 10, 2008

Not much of a surprise

As sad and wrong as profiling is, based on speech, looks or what ever it maybe, I wasn't surprised by the videos at all. Discrimination is all around all the time. I feel that for the most part we are blind to it, or are so used to it doesn't bother us until we are on the receiving end.
I found the quiz very interesting. I had a very hard time finding a difference in most of the voices. I had to listen to them all several times. The only ones I ended up picking out were ones I am most familiar with. I also found it very interesting that when I typed in "African American" it told me wrong but when I typed in "Black" it was the correct answer. Looking at the answer key I found both were acceptable. Maybe just a glitch in the program or something put there on purpose to make us stop and think. The whole assignment, quiz and videos I feel were designed to make us think.


Kjiggs said...

I'm gonna have to go ahead and say I agree with this post. It certainly doesn't blow me away that racism is alive and well in America. I'll keep it at that until I have time to post my comments when I have time to complete the assignment.

Owen Lovell said...

I agree, it doesn't surprise me that racial profiling happens. Sometimes I wonder if it is because we are so desensitized by tv, radio, advertising, the media in general, that we just overlook such things.