This article brings back so many memories on how slang has affected my life and the the ways that slang is used in everyday speech. Like my family for instance, we all use so much diverse language to explain certain things. Even though we don't speak a different language.
I find this more prominent when we are all in a goofy mood and not so serious with one another. Some things that I have noticed is the other day my dad was in a goofy mood because he was in a frenzy because he had lost his cell phone and didn't know where to look for it. He made the comment that "It's ok that I lost my cell phone, it was so last year." There has also been other times that my sister and I were wondering what we were going to eat for dinner and my dad would chime in and say " We're going to eat oatmeal and celery." We all know that he is just joking.
There is other times when my dad would be mad at me for having an attitude problem and would say "Get off your broom" and to my sister in this instance would say "Don't go princess on me." I think that it is interesting the ways that he expresses what he wants to get across to my family and is sometimes absolutely hilarious the way that he portrays doing so. I believe that the meanings of slang definately change with the scenerey and the situation that it's in.
I believe that "The Power of Slang" goes along with what I am trying to say very well. As it says at the bottom of the reading."Slang swing. Slang moves and grooves. Slang rock, Slang rules."
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