Thursday, January 10, 2008

Quiz Response etc..

I found the racial profiling quiz to be very interesting because I was able to get most of them right. It is amazing how the same words can sound so different when being said by people of different races.

The 20/20 video shows us that voices are just as, if not more, influential than their appearance when it comes to racial profiling. For example when the black lady called about the apartment it was obvious the renters had their minds made up about who they wanted to fill the apartments, and were not interested in their personality or credibility, only their race. In a perfect world everyone would have a chance to sit down and get evaluated by their actions and not the color or their voice.

The cat video was very successful in showing how language barriers lead to assumptions, which then automatically place judgement on others.

1 comment:

Karla Furniss said...

It was interesting I was taking the quiz with my 8 year old son and he also was able to successfully guess the races based on some of the words that they used.