I remember when I was in 5th or 6th grade, my friend told me about an article he read, where it said in the coming years, the slang words "deck" and "gear" would replace the words we knew as "cool" or "tight". I never forgot that prediction, but I have yet to notice anyone ever use those words outside of their normal definitions, the only time being when Ringo Starr was featured on the Simpsons, and he pulls out Marge's painting of him and exclaims "Gear!" The interesting thing is, in the past week, when I noticed in the syllabus that slang was one of our upcoming topics, I immediately thought back to that article my friend told me about, followed by Ringo Starr's expression, and in the next couple of days, I caught myself using the word "gear." However, I realized I was quite alone in the use of this word, and instead of feeling cool and included, I felt more awkward and uncomfortable, being met with an unpleasant, gut-wrenching silence. So I have since given up on it. Maybe I'll give it another try in the near future, just to make sure...
Don't feel bad a few years ago Connan O'Brian tried to get people to replace the "F" word with Krunk and that didn't work either. Good luck though.
If you are into sci-fi, there are interesting attempts to change some common vulgarities on two TV shows into their own language, one show is called Battle Star Galactica and on this show they replace the F word with "frack". The other is Firefly, which has been cancelled, but they also came with their own alterations i.e. gorram.
Oh yeah, I love firefly! I actually catch myself saying "gorramit" on occasion.
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