I tend to disagree a bit with Dalzell, he mentioned that siblings tend to reject the brother's and sister's slang and create slang of their own. One reason why I disagree is because I can remember hearing my siblings with their slang and then I would find out what it meanted and implement it in my own language, they tended to open up the world of language a little wider than the slang I was developing among my own friends. Also Dalzell said that people tend to lock in their slang in their 20's and only go back to that same slang, as an inbound rep and a gamer this is horribly wrong! I talk to people every day, they range in age from 20's to 70's and you would be surprised how many retired people are gamers playing popular games, they even use the slang of gamers. So if we never learn new slang and implement it then I don't know what those retired gamers are talking about, they sure sound like gamers using gamer slang!
I did agree with what he said about recycling slang, I still use the word sweet from time to time and it makes sense if fashion can recycle trends why can't language recycle slang? BTW, if anyone likes stick figure comics
xkcd.com is a great place to go for it.
Your image is not appearing. Many websites employ tech which prevents the direct linking of images or files to prevent their bandwidth from being used on traffic not generated at their own site. I would recommend you right click and save the image at the source site, edit your post, and upload it to Blogger from your own PC.
Darn. Even though the image isn't working, I know which comic you were linking, and it's a good one. And that was my second choice for something to post alongside my blog entry (just behind the Word picture a few entries below). Now what am I going to do?
I just barely fixed it so it should be working now, had to link right from xkcd.
I'm glad to see somebody else doesn't agree with the author. I think 70 year olds are very capable of using slang and/or have the language of younger people. Knowing you Owen and how much you like computer games I'm sure you can enlighten us on how gaming slang effects "Standard English". My brother is probably well versed in "l33t speak" but I get angry when people don't type out full words on text messages...
this seems like an example of technology messes with the norm--the gaming platform allowing slang to be used more easily by older folks.
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