As for the other articles, my eyes were most definitely opened. I would have read that Subaru ad "Get out and stay out" and it wouldn't have crossed my mind for a second that it was geared at the gay/lesbian community. I think of Subaru as a an all-terrain, all-wheel drive vehicle that the outdoorsy type would be attracted to. However, if this ad were in a gay/lesbian magazine or newspaper, then that quote would certainly make sense in that it's geared towards gays/lesbians. The Mercedes-Benz article was very captivating in that it was very simple and made me focus on the words that were conveying the fact that this car is one of performance, fun, and designed for safety. The visual rhetoric behind that advertisement is genius. As for the "I Has a Dream" ad, it is very deep and powerful in that it causes the reader to think. Lastly, the Ugly Myspace Designs video to me was educational for the most part. I appreciated what he said about how so many try so hard to make things ugly. It's true though. People expend time and talent into making something as ugly as possible. In my way of thinking, if the individual tries so hard to make something so hideously ugly, it will be beautiful. Beautifully ugly!
1 comment:
I haven't seen the comercials, and my first thought upon seeing the picture was opposite of what it was trying to convey. I saw the PC image as posotive, and the MAC image as negative. I thought that it was trying to show PC as sophisticated, professional, experienced, and efficient-- while showing the MAC as sloppy, ameturistic, undependable, and still in development.
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