Thursday, January 10, 2008

Response to Racial Profiling and Linguistic Discrimination

I did really bad on the quiz, I didn't know who was who except for one person who was African- American and the person who was Caucasian. It was sad because I couldn't even think of many races to fill in the line I was pretty shocked.
Watching the HUD video was interesting but pretty sad that people still get mistreated because of their race or how they speak. I think it's really unfair that just because a person isn't Caucasian they are treated differently over the phone like in the 20/20 video. I think it makes perfect sense for the people who are getting rejected over how their voices sound to be mad. I would be extremely upset if I had that happen to me.
I think that people get discriminated or treated differently due to dialect because it's partly a nature of humans. Things like this have been occurring forever as long as there have been different races and I have never seen a point to it. It makes me upset that just because you have an accent means that you shouldn't get an apartment over the phone like in the fair housing video. If housing is fair, then that's how it should be. It shouldn't be fair for like white people for instance and not for African-Americans, that's just wrong. I think every person has every right to be treated equal. No race is necessarily superior to the other. We are all different people and we speak in different ways and there is nothing wrong with that. It was interesting to watch these videos and take the quiz.
Today I have seen a lot of that kind of discrimination like in the linguistic discrimination video. I personally try to understand someone before I am like "Oh I have to go..." because its natural to be confused when you speak a different language, but it doesn't mean the other person should be expected to speak English because you do. Maybe you should learn their language? I went to Taiwan this September and of course everyone spoke Chinese and other languages and I was lost and couldn't talk to them, but they were very nice to me and tried to understand. I thought it was really awesome because I didn't feel bad about my race or language or anything. I tried to understand them too, it actually was really fun to get into another culture like that. But in conclusion, I believe everyone should get the same treatment and no one should be subject to discrimination because of how their voice sounds. -Christine Maranto


Prof Ron said...

So do you think the Chinese are less descriminatory?

Also, note that the angry comments were underneath the video--people angry about the whining of minorities and linguistic profiling.

Stephen Evans said...

I had a similar experience with the quiz. When the Hispanic people spoke, I had a hard time thinking of different races to match that accent. I partly agree with you when you said it's partly human nature to discriminate based on dialect, but I'd say it's more human nature to categorize (which I suppose is a synonym to "discriminate") things, but not so much human nature to discriminate against a race. Gah, all these synonyms and antonyms that mean the same thing, but at the same time or in another context doesn't necessarily maintain the same meaning, has me all jumbled up.

Stephen Evans said...

"Also, note that the angry comments were underneath the video--people angry about the whining of minorities and linguistic profiling."

I totally missed that! Bummer, I could have made my post much more interesting...