Friday, January 18, 2008


After reading Dalzell's article I started thinking about the slang that I use regularly and how I use it. A couple slang terms I find myself using often are "sweet" and "Cool". I tend to use these to express both when I'm happy about something (when I really mean them) and to express when I'm upset about something (when I say them with sarcasm). These are some general slang terms that I use with everyone. Almost everyone understands what I mean when I say them. But I also use some which are more specialized. I agree with Dalzell that using slang, especially specific terms with specific people, gives me a sense of belonging to a group. Often, using slang is a more quick and convenient way to express exactly what I'm trying to say when I'm talking to a family member or close friend. Since they are familiar with my slang, it's easy for them to know exactly what I mean! Slang can be used as almost a code language. For example, my sister and I have a slang that we use all the time and it's so familiar to me I almost don't realize I'm using it. But the other day she was talking to me on the phone while she was with some friends and she told me when she hung up the phone her friends were giving her a wierd look and they all asked "what were you saying". I have enjoyed examining how myself and others use slang, and have a new realizatioin of what an important part slang plays in my communication everyday!


Anonymous said...

That is a clever concept you mentioned... slang can be used as a shortcut in describing something, as kind of a way to sum up a more complex idea with a single word.

Counterintuitive said...
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