Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My Responses
Did this happen to anybody else? I took the quiz and got everything wrong!! not one single answer was right! At first I thought I must be pretty racist or really sheltered (and/or not exposed to enough diversity). Then, I checked the answers and I was right on a few of them, so I re-typed them in and they were still wrong!! Crazy huh? Then I read the pages in the book, and feeling more bewildered I tried again. This time I got some answers right.
It was interesting to me why the site is set up that way. Do you think that they did it on purpose? Because, at first, It really made me feel like I was really bad at recognizing accents/dialects and such. But maybe those who made the site would want you to feel that way to discourage you from profiling. if thats the case i think that its clever, but I don't particularly like it. Its okay to recognize differences.

I really liked the YouTube videos as well. It makes me sad that negative linguistic profiling goes on. Its just not fair! i know I sound like a kid when I say that, but really! People are people; end of story. You can't judge people's credibility, integrity, or dependability(nor overall character) in just one glance or earful. So maybe you can tell what color their skin is or maybe a bit about their background, good for you! Really! noticing differences like that can suggest millions of potential conversations and possible friendships. I wonder at the woman who turned away all the black people from her boarding house. I wonder what her fears are and why she is so scared.

I thougt the movie with the cat was funny. A little corny and simplistic, but he got the message across.


shauny said...

I didn't do so well on the quiz either. I felt pretty stupid. Apparently I don't know the latino population very well, I missed all those voices on the quiz.

Abby said...

I didn't do so well either. I don't think we should feel stupid. I think its a good thing to not atomatically know some ones race by their voice. I also got the wrong answer message even for correct answers. I think it was intentional.

Ali Mae said...

Did we have the same experience?I'm with you, sister... I typed in what I thought would be the 'PC' term, only to find that a more 'slang' term was being used. I typed in African-American, the correct answer was Black. You too?