I was at first thinking of an extended textual analysis of either Vikings or American Indians, but I will rather likley be looking at an online bodybuilding and exercise community. This latter group uses a casual language different from everyday life, so I'm going to explore this more.
Wow! That's quite an evolution from Viking to bodybuilder... which group do you have more interest and/or connection with? Are there bonafide Vikings among us?
There was once a rich scandanavian population near sugar-house that grown and has an organization devoted to itself. If your interested I could find you many resources on it.
I had some ideas to look at some Viking texts, an example of which is Sagas of Icelanders(Íslendingasögur). There's also other ones like from the Swedes. That stuff is harder for me to get my paws own. Ron also suggested sticking to a more recent community.
Thanks for the offer, Caitlyn, but I'll probably just stay with exercise community.
You know what that sounds really awesome. I am super interesting in exercising and I think this topic could be informing and really fun to learn about, nice choice.
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