Saturday, March 29, 2008

check out 'semantic antics' on KUER this morning...

I was busy with my usual glorious Saturday morning routine, sweeping up dust balls from under the couch, when this guest on NPR caught my attention. He is Sol Steinmetz, author of Semantic Antics: How and Why Words Change Meaning. Check out the site:
for the full story. (I'm not sure why these links aren't posting correctly, sorry!)
Interestingly, he discusses the evolution of 'girl' right off the bat!

Also, check out this interesting story about a linguist's work with the last known woman fluent in the Mutsun language, a now extinct dialect. Now her oral history is being transformed into an "ethno-historical cantata"!

1 comment:

Prof Ron said...

loved the semantics antics guy.