Friday, February 15, 2008

Technology 1 Laguage 0

What a blessing technology is in our lives. Which of us could go a whole week without our devices? It's even getting so common and user friendly that my grandma can email and text! Really she can! My Grandma! We couldn't go without these things, but at what cost. Socrates says that writing will be the death of language, but I'll go so far as to say that texting is the death of a dying art. Now days with email, answering machines and such we are better equipped to go a week without talking to an actual person than we are to go without our i-phones. I enjoyed the article Amy's answering machine that several people have already mentioned. I agree with you all that it paints a realistic picture and a feeling that is easy to relate to in this day and age. I don't condemn writing I don't even pretend to advocate perfect language/grammar/spelling in our quick techno communications, however I do believe that if we are to save language from it's last dying breath we have to find some way to practice it correctly to make up for all our shortcuts.


April said...

You said, texting is the death of a dying art. What do you mean? Is writing a dying art?

Owen Lovell said...

LOL! I deal with people every day whose worlds have fallen apart due to the short loss of a dear electronic friend. I myself would go crazy if I didn't have them, wouldn't we all?

Bronson said...

I dig your take on this subject and couldn't agree more. I was looking at my phone last night and noticed I hadn't spoken w/ my bestfriend for over a week, but we have communicated through texts nearly daily. I can't go anywhere without my cell phone. If I'm ever without it I'm almost frantic to get back to it. And I've only been like that for the last 2 years since I got home from my mission. I was NEVER like that before. Dang technology!!!