Valentine's Day or Saint Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14. In North America and Europe, it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery. The holiday is named after two early Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. Some of the valentine symbols include red roses, love knots, love birds.
History of Valentines Day
Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine. Until 1969, the Catholic Church formally recognized eleven Valentine's Days. The Valentines honored on February 14 are Valentine of Rome (Valentinus presb. m. Romae) and Valentine of Terni (Valentinus ep. Interamnensis m. Romae). Valentine of Rome was a priest in Rome who suffered martyrdom about AD 269 and was buried on the Via Flaminia. His relics are at the Church of Saint Praxed in Rome.[1] and at Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland. Valentine of Terni became bishop of Interamna (modern Terni) about AD 197 and is said to have been killed during the persecution of Emperor Aurelian. He is also buried on the Via Flaminia, but in a different location than Valentine of Rome. His relics are at the Basilica of Saint Valentine in Terni (Basilica di San Valentino). The Catholic Encyclopedia also speaks of a third saint named Valentine who was mentioned in early martyrologies under date of 14 February. He was martyred in Africa with a number of companions, but nothing more is known about him. Some sources say the Valentine linked to romance is Valentine of Rome, others say Valentine of Terni.[citation needed] Some scholars (such as the Bollandists[citation needed]) have concluded that the two were originally the same person. In any case, no romantic elements are present in the original Early Medieval biographies of either of these martyrs. An overview of attested traditions relevant to the holiday is presented below, with the legends about Valentine himself discussed in the end.History of Valentines Day
(source: wikipedia.org)
Get this, people are so caught up in it, that on "google", it takes 0.07 seconds for 24.4 million sites to come up with the key words "valentines day". CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here is a joke, that makes fun of fat loser's, i don't care Ron, I'm not being conservative in my talk or actions.
"Go ahead and Super Size - I found spare change in the sofa today. "
Here are some more valentine jokes:
Dictionary of dating
A term used to describe a woman who has the morals of a man.
What the endearing little qualities that initially attract two people to each other turn into after a few months together.
A man's term for a woman who wants to have sex more than he does.
A condition in which it is almost impossible to fall in love.
The act of associating horniness with a particular person.
What occurs when two extremely horny, but not entirely choosy people meet.
I never make fun of people for their race or religion, just on their behavior, age,sex,masculinity/femininity, and sexual orientation (sometimes on sexual orientation)

Happy V-day for all people of all kinds
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