Blog #4 Visual Rhetoric "thinking so you don't have to"
Rothman's article was interesting, although certainly not unexpected. As soon as any specialized demographic emerges, the first thoughts of many are "now, how can we use this information to sell them our product?" The ads which our textbook used to supplement the article were laughable; blatant and obvious. One item of interest however is the one of the many layers of message found within the Coors advertisement. The ad, which presumably ran in publications them selfs direct or indirectly marketed to the GLBT community, is entitled "Straight Talk." The email setup for feedback is "" The message is subtle, but there. Coors might want to court the GLBT dollar, but by golly, they are as straight a beer company as ever. No gays here, just profit ledger minded
politically correct tolerance!I also want to thank/curse Ron for introducing me to What a oddly fascinating train wreck his videos are. While aimlessly browsing his archives just now (putting off doing all my homework) I found a song he wrote about social networks. Pointed, hilarious satire on the silliness of social networking sites. Enjoy it by clicking here.
1 comment:
zefrank is cool, a bit addicting and certainly a trainwreck of sorts which, of course, makes it interesting.
Thanks for the song-I hadn't heard it: "a social network built just for two." points out the irony in networks--supposedly personal yet also global and techno filtered.
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