I found Jabari Asim’s conferences very interesting. One of the things I found very impressive was when he talked about the cover sheet of his book the N Word. He says that the front page is for those who do not like to use the word “nigger” and therefore the letter N is crossed out, on the other hand, on the side there is letter N that is not crossed out for those who employ “nigger” in their discourse. I think this symbolism shows his standpoint of his whole book. I see importance in using colors for the cover page titles. It seemed to me that the front page RED letter N symbolize non-African-Americans who want to eliminate this word and the crossing BLACK lines stay for the African- American culture who do not like to see the N word coming out of mouth of non-Black society. Moreover, I assume that African American people are trying to say to the people of different color “You are not supposed say this word because if you say that it will mean you discriminate me!” As we can notice lines are not going over the N. That’s what I see as the main point of this that the word “nigger” will never disappear because it has strong roots in our society.
From the side view of the book the letter N is colored in BLACK not crossed out. I assume that this symbolizes that the society is set up as only Black people can use the N word. However, it was interesting when Jabari Asim said that African American should be the last people who should use this word, which has never had any positive connotations. I definitely agree with his idea conveying that this negative and discriminative word will never disappear. It is a vicious circle because if there was not a word “nigger” there would be another word that would harmfully influence our society.
From the side view of the book the letter N is colored in BLACK not crossed out. I assume that this symbolizes that the society is set up as only Black people can use the N word. However, it was interesting when Jabari Asim said that African American should be the last people who should use this word, which has never had any positive connotations. I definitely agree with his idea conveying that this negative and discriminative word will never disappear. It is a vicious circle because if there was not a word “nigger” there would be another word that would harmfully influence our society.
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